General Education Learning Outcomes
Statements of General Education Learning Outcomes - These performance standards form the basis of instruction for all core course offerings at the university. The University Curriculum Committee and University System of Georgia (USG) Council for General Education have approved the following general education learning outcomes for FVSU Core Areas A-E.
- Area A1. Communication- Student apply the requisite skills to produce well-organized and supported written communication which meets collegiate proficiency standards.
- Area A2. Mathematics- Given application problems requiring collegiate-level quantitative reasoning skills, students will identify the appropriate mathematical model, determine the solution or non-solution and interpret the results demonstrating content mastery at the level of College Algebra, Precalculus, Mathematical Modeling or Calculus I.
- Area B. Institutional Options-Students develop and deliver speeches using language that is appropriate to the audience, occasion and purpose and adheres to collegiate standards of verbal and non-verbal communication conventions. (Approved by the Council on General Education on July 31, 2015)
- Area C. Humanities/Fine Arts- Students will demonstrate in writing an understanding of the concepts and values of a culture as revealed in a work of literature or art.
- Area D. Natural and Computational Sciences- Students will use the scientific method to explore naturally occurring phenomena and utilize appropriate technology to analyze and interpret data.
- Area E. Social Sciences- Students effectively analyze the complexity of human behavior, and how historical, economic, political, social, or spatial relationships develop, persist, or change.
University System Core Curriculum
Mathematics Requirements
Choose three or four hours from the following: Area B: Institutional Options
Total: 4-5 Hours
*Required Area C: Humanities and Fine Arts
Choose three hours from the following:
Area D: Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Option 1: Non-Science Majors
Select two courses from the following (one must be a laboratory science course): Mathematics and Technology
Choose one of the following: Mathematics and Technology
Choose one of the following: Total: 10-11 hours
*Required Area F
Area F consists of 18 hours of core-level courses in the major and related areas. It is different for each major. The Area F requirements are included in the Program of Study for each degree program. The total semester hour requirement for the Core Curriculum is 60.
Institutional Course Requirements Beyond the Core Curriculum
To meet graduation requirements, students must meet certain institutional requirements beyond the Core Curriculum requirements. The following general education requirements are needed in addition to those specified in the core curriculum.
- Two hours of 1000 level physical education (PEDW) activity courses must be taken and completed, or two course military science (MILS) sequence of MILS 1110-MILS 1120- or MILS 2110- MILS 2220 may be substituted for the institutional requirement of physical education on a one for one basis up to the maximum of two credit hours. Only one (1) hour for each military science course taken will be credited toward the Institutional Physical Education Requirement.
Students presenting evidence of at least one year of active duty or completion of basic military training in any branch of the armed forces of the United States will be awarded 2 hours of institutional credit for health
and physical education. The two hours for health and physical education will be waived. Service members may request copies of their Joint Services Transcripts (JST) at
- FVSU 0100 Orientation to the University , is required of all students with the exception that students who transfer from another institutions with 30 or more earned hours towards their degree program, a non-traditional student (25/older) or married.
Specifically, Orientation to the University assists students in gaining an understanding of the following: (1) history, policies and services of the University; (2) college survival skills needed to foster excellent study habits and positive social adjustment at the University, and (3) techniques and skills to make realistic career choices. Students are not permitted to withdraw from or drop FVSU 0100 .
The Honors Program
The Honors Program (HP) at Fort Valley State University is designed to identify, challenge and channel the intellectual curiosity and capabilities of the academically superior student. The program provides students with the opportunity to achieve academic excellence through a variety of learning experiences, including independent study, scholarly research, and group interactions such as in seminars, forums, and workshops.
Participation in the Honors Program is open to all students who:
- Are Presidential Scholars, Dean Scholars
- Are participants in the Cooperative Developmental Energy Program (CDEP),
- Have demonstrated outstanding High school achievement (Eligible candidates enter with a minimum high school grade point average of 3.50 on a 4.00 scale in academic subjects and a minimum combined SAT score of 1100),
- Performed well on Achievement Tests (Students who score 4 or more in Advanced Placement courses or on any of the three-hour, Level 3 Difficulty MAPS achievement tests may be permitted to enroll in Honors sections in the specific discipline), or
- Demonstrate academic excellence through College achievement (Eligible freshman and sophomore students or transfer students will have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.30 and no grade lower than a “C”).
Honors sections of general education courses are available for freshmen and sophomores. Thirty (30) hours are required. For juniors, 6 hours of Colloquium are required. For seniors, 9 hours of Research Thesis are required. In order to be in good standing in the Honors Program, a student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 in all courses with no grade lower than a “C”.
Degree Programs
Fort Valley State University is organized into three colleges: the College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology, the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education. Academic departments within these colleges offer major degree programs of study leading to the award of the Baccalaureate, Master’s, and Specialist Degrees.
Major Degree Programs
Fort Valley State University is authorized by the Board of Regents to award the following:
Bachelor of Arts with Majors in:
Criminal Justice
Liberal Studies
Media Studies
Political Science
Visual & Performing Arts
Bachelor of Business Administration with Majors in:
Supply Chain & Logistics Management
Bachelor of Science with Majors in:
Agriculture Engineering Technology
Computer Science
Family and Consumer Sciences
Food Sciences
Organizational Leadership
Veterinary Technology
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with Majors in:
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Education
Animal Science
Plant Science
Bachelor of Science in Education with Majors in:
Elementary Education/Special Education
Health and Physical Education
Middle Grades Education
Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Social Work
Master of Science with Majors in:
Animal Science
Elementary Education
Environmental Health
Middle Grades Education
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Rehabilitation Counseling
Fully Online Degrees
Fort Valley State University is authorized by the Board of Regents to award the following:
Bachelor of Arts in
Criminal Justice
Political Science
Bachelor of Science in
Organizational Leadership (e-major collaborative partner)
Master of Science are available as fully online programs.
A student has the option of selecting one or more minor areas of concentration. Minors will be recorded on the student’s transcript. Requirements for a minor are determined by the department in which the minor is taken.
Special Programs and Outreach Initiatives
Fort Valley State University responds to the busy lifestyles of today’s students through its degree programs offered through extended outreach. Regular and non-traditional students are provided flexible scheduling options to earn a college degree. Administrative, academic, and student support systems are provided to ensure students access to a quality educational experience comparable to that provided on campus.
Fort Valley State University in Warner Robins
Undergraduate courses are scheduled daily, including evening hours and on Saturdays in Warner Robins. Courses are selected in collaboration with academic Department Heads and faculty within the colleges in which the given major degree program is offered. Comprehensive student support services are provided on site, including advisement, registration, fee payment, and textbook sales.
Evening Classes
Evening classes are scheduled to provide working adults with the opportunity and advantage of entering or completing degree programs, or taking individual courses for personal enrichment. The objectives of evening courses are identical to those of courses taught during the day. The instructors are regular University faculty. Academic standards are maintained at the same level as in day courses. Admission and registration procedures are identical to those of day programs.
Online (Web-based) Offerings
Through the offering of online or web-based courses of study, Fort Valley State University provides quality educational programs of study to students independent of their geographic locations. Students who are situation bound, that is, students who are unable to attend college because of family, work, and other responsibilities are able to pursue a college degree via the Internet. Online courses are facilitated using WebCT Software (see http:// for additional information).
FVSU’s online courses are designed for the highly motivated and independent student who is willing to devote as much time and effort to web-based learning as to traditional classroom offerings. The student should be comfortable using technology and have time management and organizational skills. Fort Valley State University’s online courses are listed with the Southern Regional Electronic Campus and the Georgia Learning Alliance.
Five programs are available online. The four undergraduate programs offered fully online include
- B.A., Criminal Justice
- B.S., Organizational Leadership (e-major collaborative partner)
- B.A., Political Science
- B.A., Psychology
The M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling and Case Management also is available online.
External Degree Programs
Fort Valley State University is authorized by the Board of Regents to provide designated resident degree (External Degree) programs in Warner Robins, Georgia. The academic quality of these programs and the support services provided are equivalent to programs and courses offered on the Fort Valley State University campus. Additionally, students have access to the library, computer labs and other facilities located on the main campus in Fort Valley. Approved degree programs include:
Fort Valley State University in Warner Robins |
B.B.A. in Business Administration -Management |
B.S.E.E.T. in Electronic Engineering Technology |
B.S. in Computer Science |
B.S.W. in Social Work |
M.P.H. in Environmental Health |
M.S. in School Counselor Education |
M.S. in Mental Health Counseling |
M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling and Case Management |
M.S.Ed. in Middle Grades Education |
M.S.Ed. in School Counselor Education |
Ed.S. in School Counselor Education |
Non-Credit Programs
Non-credit activities follow broader and more flexible guidelines than credit classes, and are designed to provide occupational development, personal enrichment and leisure courses for residents of Middle Georgia. Courses are scheduled according to instructional need and vary from three hours to one year. Costs are determined on a contract basis, and vary according to content, instructional needs and operational expenses. Admission is open to the public, regardless of age.
Student records are maintained by the Graduate Studies Office and are permanent, thereby allowing transcripts to be generated. Many activities are offered for certification through the award of Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
Certification Programs
Certification programs are designed to assist participants in preparing for new careers, professions or occupations, or to upgrade one’s existing career, professional or occupational skills. Participants are enabled to function effectively in the community or in the work place.
Fort Valley State University’s CEU programs are accredited by the University System of Georgia and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Continuing education credits (CEUs) are provided on the basis of clock hours and student performance. Nationally used criteria for CEUs are subscribed to by the University. (Ten clock hours of successful student performance equals one CEU.) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are not equivalent to academic credits, and the two may not be interchanged.
Community Services
Fort Valley State University strives to use its many resources to help enhance and develop the regional community that it serves. The physical and human resources of the University are available to assist individuals and groups in the development of educationally related programs and to assist in resolving community problems. Fort Valley State University personnel are available as resource persons, consultants, speakers, and as representatives of the University to serve on community-based projects. Under certain conditions, the facilities of the University may be used by local organizations to present educational programs to community audiences.
Contract Programs
Special educational programs, both non-credit and academic credit, are available to local businesses and organizations. These programs are based upon organizational needs, and are contracted on an individual organizational basis. They may be delivered at the organization’s location, on the Fort Valley State University campus, or at some other designated site. They are further designed to meet employer specifications and blend state-of-the-art knowledge with on-the-job needs.
Institutional Assessment and Effectiveness
Fort Valley State University, in a commitment to ensure excellence in its educational and academic programs, has implemented a continuous program of institutional effectiveness and student assessment. These assessment activities are used to assess academic programs and student achievement, perceptions and attitudes. This information plays an important role in the determination of college policies and academic requirements. All students are required to participate in various assessment activities to determine how well the institution is achieving its mission of preparing students for careers and advanced study.
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