1. Nine (9) hours of MATH Electives are required: at least two mathematics electives (6 hours) will be taken from the following courses: MATH 3373 (Probability), MATH 3180 (Vector Calculus), MATH 4243 (Linear Algebra II), MATH 4293 (PDE), and MATH 4363 (Numerical Methods); one mathematics elective (3 hours) may be taken from the following statistics courses: STAT 3000 (Statistical Methods I), STAT 3113 (Applied Regression Analysis), STAT 3001 (Statistical Methods II), STAT 4010 (Applied Experimental Design), STAT 4113 (Applied Categorical Data Analysis).; Free Electives: 16 hours
2. Students that transfer to a partnering school that requires a biology course will be required to take BIOL 1107 (Prin. of Biology)
3. Students have the option of enrolling in PEDW (2522) for two hours or enroll in two PEDW 1402 (Fitness) one-hour classes.
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