Oct 27, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

University Services and Resources

Henry Alexander Hunt Memorial Library

Frank Mahitab - Director of Library Services
Phone:  478-825-6753, Fax 478-825-6663  
Webpage: www.fvsu.edu/huntlibrary Email: mahitabf@fvsu.edu

Hours of Operation:                                                                            

Monday-Thursday    08:00AM  - 10:00PM 
Friday                     08:00AM  - 05:00PM 
Saturday                10:00AM  -  04:00PM
Sunday                   04:00PM  - 10:00PM

Total hours of accessibility to resources per day (via technology) …………….24hrs

Total hours of library operation per day (excluding 24/7 lab hours) ……… 14hrs

Total hours of library operation per week (excluding 24/7 lab hours) ……….77hrs

Total hours of Computer Lab operation………………………………………… 24hrs/7days

Technology has radically transformed the higher education landscape.  The way students learn is fundamentally changing.  To meet these expectation, at Hunt Memorial Library we go beyond stacks of books.  We are a library evolved and relevant in the digital age.

Henry Alexander Hunt Memorial Library is the main library and information service building on campus.  The library is named in honor of Fort Valley Normal and Industrials school’s second Principal Mr. Henry A. Hunt, Sr.

Hunt Library continues to stimulate learning and research by providing resources and services centered on the needs of our student and faculty users.  Moreover, the mission of Hunt Library is to support the curricula of each academic disciple in regard to print and e-resources.

The library is a digital library and uses technology to enhance information research, literacy and learning.  With access and engagement, Hunt Library seeks to advance the cause of education and meet the mission of the Fort Valley State University.

Information Literacy. Through its Information Literacy sessions, librarians, in collaboration with the instructor, conduct classes in the use of databases, reference resources and how ro look up information and get started with research.

Virtual Library.  As a member of the University System of Georgia, faculty and students have access to the library collections of all 26 institutions in the state by way of Gil Express, a document delivery service.  Through collaboration and resource sharing, Hunt Library participates in the GALILEO project, a worldwide web-based virtual library consortium in the University System of Georgia- that provides access to multiple information resources, including access to over 250 databases, indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals.

Document Delivery Services. Two types of Document Delivery Services (DDS) are in place at the library, wherein copies of journal articles and books and book chapters may be requested from other libraries. These two services are GIL Express and Interlibrary Loan (ILL). For most campus users in the University System of Georgia, this is a free service.

Distance Education. Teaching and Learning are important to student’s successful matriculation at Fort Valley State University. Therefore, library instruction in the use of the library and its resources are central to the services provided through the Public Services area of Hunt Library. Librarians work with students on all floors of the building and at the reference desk, not to mention social media networks, phone and the one-on-one reference interviews to help them find, locate and interpret information.

Computer Lab Accessibility provided by the Office of Information Technology and housed in the library, is for student use only, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Collaborative Learning. The library is a hub of collaboration with open work areas, large tables, casual seating and ample private space for meetings and engagement. In a digital world, the library adopts the latest in tech learning tools, and provides students with constant connectivity, mobility and access to the ever-expanding media environment. All study rooms and quiet study areas and are located on the second floor of the building.

Charging Stations. At Hunt Library, students can juice-up mobile devices. As more and more students bring devices to campus, the challenge for them is not to run out of power. Running out of battery power these days means running out of paper. Charged mobile devices help students to stay connected with the university and with one another.

University Archives and Special Collection. The University archives and Homie Regulus special collections Heritage Room is located in the library on the second floor. The University Archives houses historical documents of the Fort Valley State University and the local community.

Hunt Library at Warner Robins supports the Graduate Studies program at Fort Valley State University. Collection holdings are representative of 830 books and 10 selected journal titles.

Student Engagement and Achievement Center

Latosha Baldwin, Executive Director
Peabody Hall


The Student Engagement and Achievement Center (SEA) at Fort Valley State University serves as the primary academic support unit for students during their first two years as undergraduate students. The SEA provides a wide variety of academic support programs and initiatives designed to create a successful transition to college life. The services provided to students are coordinated through several units, which include academic advising, academic coaching, disability services, first- and second-year experience programs, testing, tutorial services, career services and civic engagement and volunteerism.             

Academic Advising

Dr. Jocelyn Powell, Director of Academic Advising and Retention
Peabody Hall Room 202


Advisors provide academic advising to freshmen and sophomores (all students who have earned 0-59 credit hours). Faculty provide advisement to students with 60 or more credit hours in their major areas. The advisement process involves the development of a mutual relationship between the student and their assigned advisor. During the academic advising process, information regarding course selection, degree programs, resources, university policies/procedures, and career opportunities are provided to students.

Learning Support Program

Rosie Petties, Director
Miller Hall 116


The Learning Support Program is designed to assist students who may need assistance with entry-level collegiate courses in English (reading and writing) and mathematics.  Learning Support courses are “Corequisite” courses that are paired with English College Composition I, MATH 1101 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling and MATH 1111 College Algebra. Corequisite Learning Support courses offers the advantage that all students are enrolled in credit-bearing collegiate courses upon matriculation. 

Corequisite Learning Support Courses

  • ENGL 0999 Support for English Composition (1-3) institutional credit
  • MATH 0998 Support for Mathematical Modeling (1-3) institutional credit
  • MATH 0999 Support for College Algebra (1-3) institutional credit

Additional information on Learning Support can be found at:

PDF version: https://www.usg.edu/assets/academic_affairs_and_policy/documents/transforming_remediation/LearningSupportManual.pdf

Word version: https://www.usg.edu/assets/academic_affairs_and_policy/documents/transforming_remediation/LearningSupportManual.docx

Access and Accommodations

Candace Mims, Coordinator
Peabody Hall Room 125


The Office of Access and Accommodations seeks to enhance student engagement in the learning process, encourages higher levels of academic performance, furthers critical thinking skills, and promotes student self-authorship in the classroom. Additionally, the mission of this office is to increase retention and graduation rates for students with documented learning disabilities. This is done by providing students with disabilities the tools, reasonable accommodations, and support services to participate in the academic environment.  Also, while ensuring equitable treatment, we ensure access to all academic programs and facilities at Fort Valley State University.  The office serves as an agent for compliance with federal and state laws that mandate equal opportunity for persons with documented learning disabilities. 

Furthermore, the Office of Access and Accommodations promotes an accessible and culturally sensitive campus through outreach and by building partnerships with the university community and beyond. All services provided by the Office of Access and Accommodations are provided in accordance with Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act which define a person with a disability as one with a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (walking, seeing, speaking, hearing, breathing, working, learning and others). The person must have a record of such impairment or be regarded as having such impairment.  Please note, documentation must be current within the last three years. All students must present records that document their learning disability to the Office of Access and Accommodations. 

Examples of learning disorders are:

  • Brain Injury
  • Chronic Illness
  • Motor Coordination
  • Multiple Disorders
  • Mobility Impairments
  • Depression
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Epileptic Seizures
  • Attention, Deficit, Hyperactivity
  • Disorder Multiple Sclerosis

Services provided for students with documented learning disorders and physical impairments include:

  • Registration Assistance
  • Computer Resources
  • Orientation Services
  • Assistive Technology
  • Academic Accommodations
  • Tutoring
  • Advocacy
  • Individual Counseling
  • Self-empowerment advisement
  • Appropriate Referrals

First & Second Year Experience Programs (FYE) (SYE)

Shelisha Williams, Interim Director
Peabody Hall Room 228


The FYE Program serves as an extension to the orientation first-year students receive upon enrolling at the university and the FVSU 0100 Course. The program is structured for freshmen and transfer students to ensure a successful transition and matriculation from high school or another institution into the University. The program is created as a partnership between the University College, Office of Campus Life, and Housing and Residential Life. The FYE Program provides students with the skills necessary to become fully acclimated as FVSU students such as civic engagement, leadership development, career exploration, and socialization skills. This program serves an extension of the FVSU 0100 course and has the following objectives:

  1. Orient new students to the University.
  2. Assist first-year students in developing academic and personal skills.
  3. Encourage student to be socially responsible.

The SYE Program is designed to provide co-curricular engagement opportunities, career exploration, and academic success opportunities for students in the second year in the University College, while creating intentional second-year traditions. The SYE Program is provided through campus wide partnerships designed to enhance the support provided to second-year students. The program seeks to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Provide academic support and social integration opportunities for second-year students.
  2. Assist students with developing a connection between their academic major and careers.
  3. Serve as a gateway to entrance in upper level coursework in the junior and senior year.

Second-Year Experience Program (SYE)

The SYE Program is designed to provide co-curricular engagement opportunities, career exploration, and academic success opportunities for students in the second year in the University College, while creating intentional second-year traditions. The SYE Program is provided through campus wide partnerships designed to enhance the support provided to second-year students. The program seeks to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Provide academic support and social integration opportunities for second-year students.
  2. Assist students with developing a connection between their academic major and careers.
  3. Serve as a gateway to entrance in upper level coursework in the junior and senior year.

Assessment, Testing, and Tutorial Services

Heidi Gregg, Assessment and Tutorial Coordinator 
Peabody Hall Room 118


Assessment services supports the testing needs of the university and the surrounding communities. This unit strives to create a testing environment that is conductive to the best test performance for each examinee, while administering a variety of institutional, state and national standardized examinations throughout the academic year. Testing Services strives to provide assessments and preparatory information which are assessable to members of the university and general public at large. Testing administers a variety of institutional, state and national standardized examinations throughout the academic year. Technology-based assessments include SAT, ACT, CLEP, and ACCUPLACER for Dual Enrollment, Placement and Employment.  GRE is offered using the paper-based format. ETS Proficiency Profile for upcoming juniors, and ACAT/MFT is an assessment tool used for graduating seniors. Diagnostic Reading is administered to first-year freshmen taking ENGL 1101 each semester. Faculty Requested Exams are available upon request. Testing Services welcomes students requiring Testing Accommodations. Proctored midterms and final exams are provided to FVSU eCore students using the SmarterProctoring platform.

Tutorial Services and Supplemental Instruction seeks to provide high quality free academic support to meet the needs of students outside the classroom. This endeavor is accomplished through different tutorial methods designed to provide one-on-one assistance.  Supplemental instruction offers peer-assisted study sessions and small group tutorial support for undergraduate students in math and science-based courses. All services provided are supervised in an academic assistance lab between 9am and 5pm.  Faculty Partnerships are welcome to strategize with SI Leaders to improve success rates in “traditionally difficult” courses.  Test taking, note taking and study strategies are offered. 


Reading & Writing Lab 

Miller Hall Room 203 

The Reading Lab offers one-on-one reading tutorials and workshops focusing on specific literacy skills and reading comprehension, providing excellent resources for both students and faculty, in an effort to improve students’ reading comprehension. Among these services are individualized and group test preparation, and an opportunity to develop individualized tutorial schedules with English faculty are available for students. 

The Writing lab provides an atmosphere for students to receive individual consultation with intensive writing courses and assignments. The learning process in the writing lab is inclusive of one-on-one and small group collaborative sessions. 


Academic Coaching 

Academic Coaching at Fort Valley State University is designed to target and work with specific populations of students, namely freshmen cohorts, students on academic probation, students returning from academic suspension, and scholars. 

At times, Academic Coaching resembles mentoring, but it’s much deeper than that. At other times, Academic Coaching may look a lot like tutoring. Our academic coaches are more than willing to work with students to help them achieve success in the classroom; however, they focus more on the game plan for success and less on the specific content of the course. 

How Does Academic Coaching Work? 

Academic Coaching may look like counseling as students become comfortable with their coach. 

Academic Coaches: 

  1. Collaborate with students in developing a success plan. 

  1. Meet with students to help them take ownership of their academic success (by phone, virtual, in face-to-face meetings, or email). 

  1. Assist students with setting goals and weekly objectives. 

  1. Are well versed in academic strategies for success (such as time management, note-taking techniques, reading strategies, and goal setting) and refer students to resources on and off campus that can aid in students’ success, such as the Counseling Center, the Access and Accommodations center, online/virtual tutoring services, the Student Achievement Center, and Tutoring. 

  1. Complete Student Academic Progress Appeals forms. 

  1. Develop programming for students. 


Scholars Program Outcomes 

  • develop a sense of belonging in the University community 

  • increase curricular and cocurricular collaborative interactions with other students, faculty, and staff 

  • demonstrate improved critical thinking and collaborative problem-solving skills 

  • demonstrate improved knowledge and skills related to career opportunities 

  • demonstrate a better understanding of differences and similarities among people 

  • experience a higher level of satisfaction with the University experience 


Academic Probation Program Outcomes 

  • Understand the policies of the university regarding academic probation 

  • Increase their knowledge of skills necessary to be successful in college 

  • Identify strategies to obtain good academic standing 

  • Develop a sense of belonging in the University community 

  • increase curricular and cocurricular collaborative interactions with other students, faculty, and staff 


TRiO Student Support Services (SSS)

Dr. Davida Curtis, Director
Peabody Hall Room 230


TRiO SSS is a federally funded program that provides opportunities for academic development, while motivating students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of SSS is to increase college retention and graduation rates of its participants and facilitate the transition from one level of higher education to the next.

Tutorial Services and Supplemental Instruction

Heidi Gregg, Coordinator
Peabody Hall Room 118


Tutorial Services and Supplemental Instruction seeks to provide high quality free academic support to meet the needs of students outside the classroom. This endeavor is accomplished through different tutorial methods designed to provide one-on-one assistance.  Supplemental instruction offers peer-assisted study sessions and small group tutorial support for undergraduate students in math and science-based courses.  All services provided are supervised in an academic assistance lab between 9am and 5pm.  Faculty Partnerships are welcome strategize with SI Leaders to improve success rates in “traditionally difficult” courses.  Test taking, note taking and study strategies are offered.

Reading & Writing Lab

Heidi Gregg, Coordinator
Miller Hall Room 203


The Reading Lab offers one-on-one reading tutorials and workshops focusing on specific literacy skills and reading comprehension, providing excellent resources for both students and faculty, in an effort to improve students’ reading comprehension. Among these services are individualized and group test preparation, and an opportunity to develop individualized tutorial schedules with English faculty are available for students.

The Writing lab provides an atmosphere for students to receive individual consultation with writing intensive courses and assignments. The learning process in the writing lab is inclusive of one-on-one and small group collaborative sessions.

Military Resource Center

Jacquetta Green, VA School Certifying Official/Records Specialist
Troup Administration Building, Suite 102
478-822-1020  Fax 478-825-6155

The Military Resource Center (MRC) functions to assist and provide support for active military, veterans, National Guard, Reserves and dependents. The School Certifying Official (SCO) is responsible for Certifying Enrollment of VA students to the US Department of Veterans Affairs, overseeing the MRC and the Student Veteran Lounge. For assistance, contact the SCO at va@fvsu.edu.

Information Technology

Kimecia Oliver, Assistant Director of Information Technology/IT Support Manager
Hunt Memorial Library, Room 305

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides technological support and leadership by assisting the University in realizing its academic mission and research goals. This support includes, but is not limited to, assisting with distance education, administrative applications, wired and wireless network maintenance and access, e-mail, hardware installation and maintenance, software installation and maintenance, training, website management and exploring and implementing new technologies. OIT is responsible for maintaining and upgrading classroom technology throughout the campus.

OIT has relocated the Helpdesk to the Third Floor of the Hunt Memorial Library to better serve our students, faculty, and staff. The Helpdesk is staffed Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in the Fall and Spring Semesters. University users can stop by, call, or email the Helpdesk with questions or issues they may have.

Contact the FVSU Helpdesk by email at ithelpdesk@fvsu.edu or by phone 478-825-6228.

OIT maintains one 24-hour lab for student use. The 24-hour lab is located in Hunt Memorial Library on 1st floor. Students can access this lab using their Wildcat ID after hours and on weekends. An alternative regular hours lab maintained by OIT is Bond Building, Room 126.  

Also note, in support of academic programs and to facilitate student access to computing technologies and facilities, more than 30 computing centers or labs are located throughout the campus. Computing centers can be found in the following buildings and departments:, Horace Mann Bond, Computer Technology and Mathematics, Hubbard Education, Hunt Memorial Library, Agricultural Engineering, Miller Science, Chemistry, Founders Hall, Alva Tabor, Myers Hall, Veterinary Technology, Stallworth, Bywaters, and the Warner Robins site.


Dr. Ndidi Akuta, CISSP

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Office of Information Technology

Fort Valley State University




Online Learning 

Dr. Darryl Hancock, Director
329/331 Hunt Library 

The Department of Online Learning includes management of the FVSU online offerings, instructional design services, and support for students who are taking classes via the learning management system.

Online Degree Programs

Through the offering of fully online degrees, Fort Valley State University provides quality programs to students independent of their geographic locations. Students who are unable to attend college because of family, work, and other responsibilities are able to pursue a college degree via the Internet. Online courses are facilitated using Brightspace by D2L (see Online Education for additional information).

FVSU’s online courses are designed for the highly motivated and independent student who is willing to devote as much time and effort to online learning as to traditional classroom offerings. Students should be comfortable using technology and have time management and organizational skills. As a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, Fort Valley State University is authorized to offer online courses and degree programs throughout the United States.

Fully Online Programs - Undergraduate:

• B.B.A. – Business Accounting

• B.B.A. – Business Management

• B.B.A. – Business Marketing

• B.B.A – Business Supply Chain and Logistics Management

• B.A. - Criminal Justice

• B.A. - Organizational Leadership (eMajor)

• B.A. - Political Science

• B.A. - Psychology


Fully Online Programs - Graduate:

• M.S. – Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling

• M.S.Ed – School Counselor Education

• Ed.S. – School Counselor Education

For additional information on Online Learning email us at online@fvsu.edu



eCore, the University System of Georgia’s (USG) electronic core curriculum, is a convenient and adaptable option for students to take coursework. The core curriculum consists of undergraduate, general education courses primarily required during a student’s first two years of post-secondary study. Composed of basic courses in the humanities, physical and social sciences, mathematics, and languages, eCore is fundamental for any four-year degree. These courses are equivalent and accepted by all USG institutions to satisfy core requirements or prerequisites required for a particular major in a specific program.

The eCore courses are taught entirely online, except for the occasional proctored exam and are a great supplement to face-to-face coursework to keep students on track for a timely graduation. Student support services, including enrollment advisement, bookstore, library services, tutoring, test proctoring and disability services are coordinated through the eCore Administration and Fort Valley State University.

eCore courses follow a separate calendar that may or may not coincide with Fort Valley State University. Also, before enrolling in an eCore course, students are asked to review the fees associated with taking a course online. Students enrolling in only online courses are exempt from mandatory student fees, with the exception of the technology and institution fees.

For additional information regarding eCore visit https://ecore.usg.edu



eMajor is a partnership with University System of Georgia public institutions to provide quality, affordable, high-demand post-secondary degrees and credentials that address the workplace needs of Georgia and beyond. eMajor programs are ideal not only for traditional students who wish to take advantage of online course delivery, but also for working professionals, military members, transfer students and others seeking alternative routes to degree completion.

Fort Valley State University offers an online Bachelor in Organizational Leadership with four concentrations – Health Care Administration, Office Administration and Technology, Public Service and Social Justice.

Students receive superior student support in their eMajor program. Fort Valley State University offers a single point of contact for advising, registration, and other academic needs for students enrolled in the eMajor programs, as well as student services and technology assistance provided through the collaboration.

For additional information regarding eMajor visit https://emajor.usg.edu

Career Services

Barcado Styles, Director
101 Peabody Building
478-825-6347 Fax 825-6471

The Office of Career and Professional Development is a vital component of the Center for Student Engagement. The Center for Student Engagement (CSE) utilizes an integrated theoretical approach to service, leadership and career development by offering purposeful opportunities and resources that complement the academic experience. Our office is dedicated to helping students develop both in and out of the classroom through programs and activities that advance student learning and prepares students for success in the global community.

With a focus on civic engagement, leadership and career development we connect the university and the community to provide curricular and co-curricular opportunities for our students.

The Office of Career and Professional Development advances academic and experiential learning through comprehensive services that inform the career development process of assessing, discovering, planning, and exploring careers.  These services include but are not limited to creating a career plan, developing a professional resume, building an electronic career profile, participating in internships, and attending professional development sessions.  All comprehensive services follow standards defined by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and Leadership, Engagement, Achievement, Professionalism (LEAP), with an emphasis on proficiency in soft skills development.

The Career Resource Library is available to help students. This includes current resources and materials on career decision-making, occupational outlook, graduate and professional school material, school system literature, and information on companies, agencies, and corporations are available.  LinkedIn, O*NET Online, The Occupational Outlook Handbook, and Georgia Career Information System (GCIS) are utilized to develop career profiles and to explore and research career data.

Comprehensive services offered by the Office of Career and Professional Development are designed to:

  • develop self-knowledge related to career choice and work performance by identifying, assessing, and understanding their competencies, interests, values, and personal characteristics.
  • obtain educational and occupational information to aid their career and educational planning and developing their understanding of the world of work.
  • select personally suitable academic programs and experiential opportunities that optimize future educational and employment options.
  • take responsibility for developing career decisions, graduate/professional school plans, employment plans, and/or job-search competencies.
  • gain experience through student activities, community service, student employment, research projects, cooperative education, internships, and other opportunities.
  • prepare to manage their careers after graduation.
  • link with alumni, employers, professional organizations, and others who will provide opportunities to develop professional interests and competencies, integrate academic learning with work, and explore future career possibilities.

Student Health, Wellness, Counseling, and Outreach Services 

Student Health, Wellness, Counseling, and Outreach Services are co-located in the Florence J. Hunt Wellness Center, opposite the main entrance of the Troup Administration Building.  Student health, Wellness and Counseling services are provided through a partnership with Atrium Health Navicent and licensed professional counselors.  Student Health and Counseling Services both provide consistent, high-quality primary health care to Fort Valley State University students that promote good physical and mental health to support student success and progression towards graduation.

Student Health, Wellness, and Counseling Services provides a range of amenities from prevention-focused education to acute and primary medical care. Services include:

  • Assessment and treatment of common illnesses and injuries 
  • Point of care testing for common illnesses/conditions (flu, strep, Covid-19)
  • Sexual Health including education, STI testing and treatment and pregnancy testing
  • Chronic condition management and monitoring
  • Basic on-site labortory services
  • On-site pharmacy dispensing for common low-cost acute care medications
  • Health care navigation to appropriate off-site care and additional on-campus services when needed
  • Post-visit call-backs to assess progress
  • Virtual-care and virtual speciality consults when appropriate
  • Integrated Behavioral Health counseling
  • Integrated Athletic training (Additional Cost)
  • Behavioral Health Coaching and Mental Health First Aid Services can be added/explored to assess need.
  • Outreach Services

Outreach Services incorporate prevention services designed to eliminate the onset of mental and physical instabilities associated with various mental health crises. Through the utilization of its Peer Educator Program (PEP) – modeled through National peer to peer training modules, PEP empowers leaders from the student body, faculty, staff, and representatives from the community-based organization (CBO partners) to facilitate prevention activities addressing psychological issues, while incorporating best practices and guidance into on and off-campus programming.

Hours of Operation:

  • 9:00 am to 5:30 pm - Monday through Friday (School Year)

For medical health services, students can reach out to staff at 478-827-3262 or at Wellness@fvsu.edu.  The Office Counseling Services may be contacted at (478) 825 - 6278 or via email at counselingcenter@fvsu.edu.  

The Office of Outreach Services may be contacted at lindseya@fvsu.edu or 478-822-1036.

University Events Management

478-825-6478 Fax 478-825-6599 Email: events@fvsu.edu   

University Events Management(UEM) serves as the centralized event coordinating and venue scheduling office for Fort Valley State University.  UEM advises campus departments on protocol and event planning to ensure consistency and to promote high quality in production and management of university events. Through the division of Special Events, UEM plans and executes university-wide celebrations and events, such as Homecoming, Commencement, dedications of buildings, groundbreaking ceremonies, and faculty and staff recognition events, for the Office of the President, University Advancement and university leadership. These events support the university’s mission through engagement of internal and external audiences.

The Warner Robins Center

Dr. Nirmal Joshee, Interim Dean for Graduate Studies
The Warner Robins Center

The Fort Valley State University Warner Robins Center, located at 101 Osigian Blvd. in Warner Robins, is the home of several graduate programs, Continuing Education, and undergraduate classes that are offered mostly nights and weekends. The classes as well as the Library Center are available for the convenience of all, but especially adult students.  Additional details are available in the Graduate Catalog.

Campus Police and Safety

Chief Antonio Fletcher, Director of Campus Police & Security
Horace Mann Bond Building – Ground Floor

The Fort Valley State University Campus & Safety Police Department is a University System Police Department with State Certified Police Officers. We are committed to safeguarding the lives and property as well as improving campus safety in a manner that is fair, impartial, transparent and consistent.   

We are dedicated to serve with understanding, professional high standards and integrity as we perform our daily duties. We will provide professional customer service and priority in community policing to faculty, staff and student. 

This is accomplished through education and training, monitoring video surveillance, fire drills, emergency preparedness planning, safety seminars, and  vehicle/foot patrol 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the entire year.

The Department is responsible for enforcing the University’s policies on parking, alcohol/drugs, and sexual misconduct, in addition to enforcing local, state and federal criminal statutes.

The Department is operated and staffed with a Chief of Police, Police Major, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Peace Officers, Security Officers, a Criminal Investigator, Communications Officers and an Office Manager.

University Bookstore

Marisa Boyd, Campus Store Manager
Student Amenities Center
eMail:  0605mgr@follett.com

The University Bookstore is located in the Student Amenities Center (SAC). Available items include course materials comprised of new, used, rental and digital textbooks, digital devices, and supplemental study materials. In addition to school paraphernalia, school supplies, gifts, and snacks. Acceptable forms of payment are No Cash, checks, and debit and credit cards.

Hours of operation are:
Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 PM & Friday 9:00a.m -3:00p.m.
Saturday and Sunday Closed; except for special occasions.

For additional details visit the bookstore online at http://www.fvsushop.com