Jul 26, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Services and Resources

Henry Alexander Hunt Memorial Library

Frank Mahitab - Director of Library Services
478-825-6753 /Fax 478-825-6663
Email:  www.fvsu.edu/huntlibrary

Henry Alexander Hunt Memorial Library is named in honor of Fort Valley Normal and Industrial School’s second Principal Mr. Henry A. Hunt Sr. The mission of Hunt Library is to support the curricula of each academic discipline in regard to print and non-print resources, online databases, and serials. Hunt Library continues to stimulate learning and research by providing resources and services centered on the needs of our students and faculty.  With access and engagement, Hunt Library seeks to advance the cause of education and meet the mission of the Fort Valley State University.

Hours of Operation Fall/Spring Semester:                                                                            

Monday-Thursday    8:00AM  - 10:00PM 
Friday                     8:00AM  -  5:00PM 
Saturday               10:00AM  -  4:00PM
Sunday                   4:00PM  - 10:00PM

Total hours of accessibility to resources    (via technology) ……………………. 24hrs

Total hours of library operation per day   (excluding 24/7 lab hours) …….. 14hrs

Total hours of library operation per week (excluding 24/7 lab hours) ………. 65hrs

Total hours of library operation per weekend (excluding 24/7 lab hours) … 12hrs

Hunt Memorial Library is the main library and information service building on campus. The objective of the library is to enrich the learning capacity of students by providing print and non-print resources to support classroom experiences, with access to technology and online resources.  Besides open study spaces, quiet study rooms are available to students upon request. A constant effort is made to promote the most effective use of library resources and services.

Electronic Services: The library building has a Wi-Fi environment. One can use their laptops or digital devices anywhere in the building. Twenty four public access computers are available for use in the building. Access to a computer lab for student use is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are 35 computers in the lab, with access to more than 300 databases, Microsoft Office and email. This lab is extensively used by students and supported by the Office of Information Technology.

Virtual Library: Through collaboration and resource sharing, the Hunt library participates in the GALILEO project, a web-based virtual library that provides access to multiple information resources, including secured access to licensed products. Participation allows access to over 300 databases, indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals. Over 2000 journal titles are provided in full-text. Other resources include encyclopedias, business directories, and government publications.

Information Literacy: Information literacy classes are conducted regularly, with training in research skills and the use of reference resources and databases.

Branch Library at the Warner Robins Center supports graduate study programs in the areas of Public Health, Mental Health and Rehabilitation Counseling. Another important part of the library is the Archives which provide access to historical information about the University and the local community.

Library Services: Reference, Circulation, Document delivery services (Inter Library Loan & GIL Express), Reserves, Special Collection, University Archives, Media Services, GALILEO Resource Sharing and 24/7 Computer Lab.


University College

Dr. Stevie L. Lawrence II, Dean
Peabody Hall


The University College (UC) at Fort Valley State University serves as the primary academic support unit for students during their first two years as undergraduate students. The UC provides a wide variety of academic support programs and initiatives designed to create a successful transition to college life. In addition, the UC includes on academic degree program, the Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership, which is offered entirely online. The services provided to students are coordinated through several units, which include: academic advising, academic counseling, disability services, testing, tutorial services, the academic support services offered by the federally funded TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) Program and the Learning Support Program.                

Academic Advising

Jocelyn Neal, Director
Peabody Hall Room 202


Advisors provide academic advising to freshmen and sophomores (all students who have earned 0-59 credit hours). Faculty provide advisement to students with 60 or more credit hours in their major areas. The advisement process involves the development of a mutual relationship between the student and their assigned advisor. During the academic advising process, information regarding course selection, degree programs, resources, university policies/procedures, and career opportunities are provided to students.

Learning Support Program

Rosie Petties, Director
Miller Hall Room 136


Learning Support is an entity of Fort Valley State University committed to providing opportunities for ACCESS and SUCCESS in college. Learning Support is designed to prepare students for or to assist students with collegiate work.  The Learning Support Program is intended to serve students who need additional support in Mathematics or English (reading/writing).  Students who do not meet USG admission requirements and student who are determined by the institution to need academic assistance are required to enroll in Learning Support courses.

Learning Support Program Operation

Students who do not meet USG criteria to exempt Learning Support requirements are required to enroll in Learning Support courses based on the results of the Accuplacer, ACT and SAT results.  The Learning Support courses are designed to supplement the specific core curriculum courses (ENGL 1101/MATH 1101).

Fort Valley State University offers corequisite remediation and year-long remedial pathways that begin with stand-alone Foundations-level courses.  The majority of students requiring remediation will be placed into corequisite support courses. Student who pass the corequisite support courses but do not pass the gateway courses must repeat both the corequisite and the gateway course.  The corequisite course and the gateway course must be passed during the same semester.

The goal of the corequisite course is to help students successfully complete the collegiate course.  If students have not been successful in passing the collegiate courses, corequisite support is still needed.

Courses in Learning Support shall include English (reading/writing) and Mathematics.  Learning Support courses in English and Mathematics shall carry course numbers of 0999 or below.

Learning Support Attempts and Exits

  • An attempt is defined as an institutional credit course in which a student received any grade or symbol except “W” or “WM”.
  • Foundations level courses in English or Mathematics must be completed in two attempts or students will be suspended for a calendar year.  Suspended students may be considered for readmission before the end of one year if they can provide evidence that they have taken measures to improve their skills.
  • Students who have been suspended from the institution without completing Learning Support requirements may complete their Learning Support requirements and any additional collegiate-level work at SACSCOC-accredited TCSG institutions during the year of suspension.
  • There are no limits on attempts in corequisite Learning Support courses.
  • Students will exit the Learning Support Program by successfully passing both the Learning Support corequisite courses - (ENGL 0999/MATH0998) and the collegiate-level-courses (ENGL 1101/MATH 1101).

Approved Grades in Learning Support

The grades listed below are approved for Learning Support courses in English and Mathematics.




Passing grades

F, U or WF


Failing grades



Progress insufficient for completion of course



Academic progress satisfactory but course work incomplete



Withdrawal without penalty



Withdrawal without penalty for military service



Student auditing Learning Support courses that are not required but taken voluntarily




No degree credit is earned in Learning Support courses but institutional credit will be awarded.

Courses Offered in Learning Support

Co-requisite course numbers and titles:

ENGL 0999 - 1 credit hour - Support for English Composition (ENGL 1101)

MATH 0998 - 1 credit hour - Support for Mathematical Modeling (MATH 1101)

Foundations-level course numbers and titles:

ENGL 0989 - 3 credit hours - This is the first course in a year-long pathway leading to ENGL 099 and ENGL 1101 in the second semester.  The course is a combination English and Reading course.

MATH 0988 - 3 credit hours - This is the first course in a year-long pathway leading to MATH 0998 and MATH 1101 in the second semester.

Maximum Number of Credit Hours Allowed in Learning Support

Student who have accumulated a maximum of 30 semester hours of college-level credit and have not successfully completed required Learning Support courses may enroll only in Learning Support courses until requirements are successfully completed.  Students with transfer credits or credit earned in a certificate or prior degree program that is required to take Learning Support courses for their current degree objectives may earn up to 30 additional hours of college-level credit.  Fort Valley has the authority to limit accumulation of college-level credits to 20 hours.

Learning Support Student with Special Needs

Students with documented learning disorders are defined in the Academic Affairs Handbook, section 3.11.1 that are required to enrolled in Learning Support courses must fulfill all system requirements, including placement testing (Accuplacer or system-approved alternate) and course requirements.

Appropriate courses and testing accommodations should be made for students with sensory, mobility, or systematic disorders.  General and specific guidelines for documentation of these disorders appear in Section 3, Appendices D and E.  Such students may be granted up to two additional semesters of Foundations level Learning Support courses at the institution discretion.  Documentation on students must be maintained at the institution and summarized in the annual report on accommodations for students with disabilities.

Voluntary Enrollment in Learning Support Courses

Students who are required to enroll in Learning Support courses in an area may not register as auditors in any Learning Support courses in that area.  Students who are not required to take Learning Support courses in a disciplinary area may elect to enroll in Learning Support courses in a non-required area for institutional credit or an audit basis.  Such students are limited to a maximum of two attempts if they elect to enroll in Foundations-level English (reading/writing) or Mathematics.  There is not limit on attempts for students who elect to enroll in co-requisite Learning Support courses.

Attendance Policy

Learning Support students are governed by a mandatory attendance policy. Students who have more than three absences and a class average below 70% are subject to departmental intervention and possible suspension from the institution for excessive absences.

Credit Load

Students taking Learning Support courses are restricted to a credit load of 12 hours. Students exit each Learning Support course by demonstrating mastery of the content stipulated by the course syllabus.


Students who are identified as needing Learning Support courses are advised by professional academic advisors assigned to the Learning Support Program until they complete their Learning Support requirements. During each semester of enrollment, a student must first register for all required Learning Support courses before being allowed to register for other courses.  This policy also applies to part-time students.  Two exceptions are possible:

  • If two Learning Support areas are required and a student is enrolled in at least one Learning Support course, a freshman orientation course or physical education or other activity or performance course may be taken that semester instead of one of the required Learning Support courses.
  • In the event that a required Learning Support course is not available, a student may enroll in a course for degree credit if the student has met the course requirements, subject to the written approval of the president or designee.

Students may not accumulate more than 30 hours of degree credit while their Learning Support requirements remain unsatisfied.  Students who have accumulated 30 credit hours and who have not successfully completed the required Learning Support courses must enroll only in their Learning Support classes until the Learning Support requirements are successfully completed.  Notification letters are mailed/e-mailed each semester to students informing them of their status.  Institutions have the authority to limit accumulation of college-level credit to 20 hours.

Learning Support Transfer

The University will honor the grades made by transfer students in Learning Support courses at all colleges/universities in the University System of Georgia. A transfer Learning Support student with fewer than two attempts in foundations-level English (reading/writing) and/or Mathematics may be granted an additional semester in Foundations-level Learning Support.  Students who complete coursework and exit an area of Learning Support at any institution in the USG shall not be required to re-enter that area of Learning Support upon transfer to another USG institution.  For students transferring from a SACSCOC-accredited TCSG colleges, exit will be considered according to guidelines issued by the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic officer of the USG. 

Withdrawal from Learning Support Courses

Students enrolled in gateway collegiate courses with co-requisite support may not withdraw from either course without withdrawing from both.  Previously, students who withdrew from Learning Support courses were required to withdraw from all collegiate courses, even those not related to Learning Support.  This requirement has been removed.

Policies on Membership Intake

Students who have not completed all required Learning Support requirements or courses are not eligible to participate in membership intake (be initiated into) any social organizations, including Greek and non-Greek sororities and fraternities and their respective “sweethearts” (auxiliary groups).

Learning Support Suspension

Students who do not complete requirements for Foundations-level English or Mathematics in two attempts will be suspended for a calendar year.  Students who have been suspended from the institution without completing Learning Support requirements may complete their Learning Support requirements and additional collegiate-level work at SACSCOC-accredited TCSG institutions during the year of suspension.

Learning Support Policy for Returning Students

Students who transfer into a USG institution without having exempted or completed Learning Support requirements in an area (English or mathematics) must be evaluated for Learning Support placement and placed according to the USG institution’s criteria for Learning Support placement.

Student who leave a USG school for any reason may be readmitted without Learning Support requirements if they meet one of the following conditions:

  • Students have completed all Learning Support requirements at a SACSCOC TCSG institution and completion of Learning Support requirements is documented on their TCSG transcript.
  • Students have earned transferable credit at a regionally-accredited non-USG institution for ENGL 1101 or 1102 (for completion of the Learning Support English requirement) or an Area A mathematics course (for completion of the Learning Support Mathematics requirement).  (USG receiving institutions will decide whether to grant Area A credit for courses taken elsewhere.  Provided that native and transfer students are treated equally, institutions may impose additional reasonable expectations, such as a minimum grade of “C” in Area A courses.)
    • Students have completed Learning Support at another USG institution and completion of Learning Support requirements is documented on their transfer transcript.

Students who leave a USG school and return without having satisfied their Learning Support requirements in the interim may be readmitted.

Students who have been suspended from the institution for a calendar year for failure to complete Foundations-level Learning Support within two attempts have two options upon their return.

  • Students may return to placement in foundations-level Learning Support and have two more attempts.
  • Students may take the Accuplacer test and accept Learning Support placement according to a placement index calculated on the basis of Accuplacer alone.  If placed in Foundations-level Learning Support, they will have two more attempts to complete this level.
  • Students in Learning Support who voluntarily leave a USG institution for periods of less than one calendar year will return to the level of Learning Support (Foundations-level or co-requisite) they were in immediately prior to their absence.
  • Time spent in Learning Support course work in a disciplinary area is cumulative within the USG.  Students who return to an institution less than one calendar year after one attempt in Foundations-level Learning Support will return on their second attempt in Foundations-level Learning Support.
  • Students who had completed requirements for Foundations-level Learning Support and had been recommended for co-requisite Learning Support may re-enter at the co-requisite support level.
  • Students in Learning Support who voluntarily leave a USG institution for periods of one calendar year or more must be retest with the Accuplacer in any previously unsatisfied Learning Support area.
  • Students who have passed a Learning Support course prior to leaving, or at another USG institution, or at a TCSG institution will have their MPIs and/or EPIs recalculated based on Accuplacer only.
  • Students who have not successfully passed a Learning Support course prior to leaving, or at another USG institution, or at a TCSG institution will have their MPIs and/or EPIs recalculated based on all currently applicable information, including HSGPA (less than 6 years old) and SAT or ACT scores (less than 8 years old) and Accuplacer scores.
  • After testing, students may be readmitted without a Learning Support requirement if they meet the institutional criteria for exemption.
  • Students who do not score high enough on the Accuplacer test to exempt Learning Support may be placed in either Foundations-level or co-requisite Learning Support, depending on institutional placement policies.
  • Students placed in Foundations-level Learning Support may be readmitted and allowed up to two additional attempts in Foundations-level Learning Support in both English and Mathematics as applicable, if individual evaluation indicates that the student has a reasonable chance of success on readmission.
  • Students readmitted under this provision are subject to the 30-hour limit on college-level coursework and may not take credit work if they had earned 30 or more credit hours during their previous period(s) of enrollment and have not completed Learning Support requirements in the interim.
  • Completion of transferable Area A course in English or Mathematics from any institution will eliminate further Learning Support requirements in that area upon transfer back to a USG institution.

Course Descriptions


ENGL 0989           Foundations of English and Reading

The course is designed to strengthen students’ verbal communication skills to enhance success in ENGL 1101.  Emphasis will be placed on reading, writing, speaking in expository and persuasive discourse.  A grade of “C” or higher indicate the student has successfully completed requirements for this course.  Students who pass ENGL 0989 are required to take English 1101.

ENGL 0999          Support for English

This course is designed to support students enrolled in college level English 1101.  There will be emphasis on undergoing initiatives and outcomes set forth in English Composition 1101.  More effective development of expository, analytical and persuasive writing is the overarching desired outcome.


MATH 0988          Foundations of Math Modeling

This course is designed to strengthen students’ mathematical skills to enhance success in MATH 1101.  A thorough review of algebra fundamentals such as real numbers, mathematical operations, solving linear equations, percent’s’ and scientific notations will be completed.

MATH 0998          Support for Math Modeling

This course is designed to support students enrolled in Mathematics Modeling 1101.  There will be an emphasis on strengthening the initiatives and outcomes in the Gateway course syllabus.  This course is further designed for students to gain understanding of mathematics in their profession and daily lives by using, developing and testing mathematical models versus reality.

Academic Counseling and Disability Services

Joyce Brown, Coordinator
Peabody Hall Room 125

The Office of Academic Counseling and Disability Services seeks to enhance student engagement in the learning process, encourages higher levels of academic performance, furthers critical thinking skills and promotes student self-authorship in the classroom. Additionally, the mission of Disability Services is to increase retention and graduation rates for students with documented learning disorders.  This is done by providing students with disabilities; the tools, reasonable accommodations and support services to participate in the academic environment.  Also, while ensuring equitable treatment, access to all academic programs and facilities at Fort Valley State University.  The office serves as an agent for compliance with federal and state laws that mandate equal opportunity for persons with documented learning disorders. 

Furthermore, Disability Services promote an accessible and culturally sensitive campus through outreach and by building partnerships with the university community and beyond. All services provided by the Office of Academic Counseling and Disability Services are provided in accordance to Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act which define a person with a disability as one with a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (walking, seeing, speaking, hearing, breathing, working, learning and others). The person must have a record of such impairment or be regarded as having such impairment.  All students must present records that document their learning disorder to Disability Services. 

Examples of learning disorders are:

  • Brain Injury
  • Chronic Illness
  • Motor Coordination
  • Multiple Disorders
  • Mobility Impairments
  • Depression
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Epileptic Seizures
  • Attention, Deficit, Hyperactivity
  • Disorder Multiple Sclerosis

Services provided for students with documented learning disorders and physical impairments include:

  • Registration Assistance
  • Computer Resources
  • Orientation Services
  • Assistive Technology
  • Academic Accommodations
  • Tutoring
  • Advocacy
  • Individual Counseling
  • Self-empowerment advisement
  • Appropriate Referrals

First-Year Experience Program (FYE)

Ala’Torya Cranford, Coordinator
Peabody Hall Room 228


The FYE Program serves as an extension to the orientation first-year students receive upon enrolling at the university and the FVSU 0100 Course. The program is structured for freshmen and transfer students to ensure a successful transition and matriculation from high school or another institution into the University. The program is created as a partnership between the University College, Office of Campus Life, and Housing and Residential Life. The FYE Program provides students with the skills necessary to become fully acclimated as FVSU students such as civic engagement, leadership development, career exploration, and socialization skills. This program serves an extension of the FVSU 0100 course and has the following objectives:

  1. Orient new students to the University.
  2. Assist first-year students in developing academic and personal skills.
  3. Encourage student to be socially responsible.

Second-Year Experience Program (SYE)

Kenneth Brown, Coordinator
Peabody Hall Room 208


The SYE Program is designed to provide co-curricular engagement opportunities, career exploration, and academic success opportunities for students in the second year in the University College, while creating intentional second-year traditions. The SYE Program is provided through campus wide partnerships designed to enhance the support provided to second-year students. The program seeks to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Provide academic support and social integration opportunities for second-year students.
  2. Assist students with developing a connection between their academic major and careers.
  3. Serve as a gateway to entrance in upper level coursework in the junior and senior year.

Assessment Services

Heidi Gregg, Coordinator
Peabody Hall Room 118


Assessment services supports the testing needs of the university and the surrounding communities. This unit strives to create a testing environment that is conductive to the best test performance for each examinee, while administering a variety of institutional, state and national standardized examinations throughout the academic year. Testing Services strives to provide tests and preparatory information which are assessable to members of the university and general public at large.   Testing administers a variety of institutional, state and national standardized examinations throughout the academic year. Examinations including SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, PRAXIS, COMPASS for Placement and Employment, Diagnostic Reading, CAAP for juniors, and ACAT/MFT for graduating seniors. Proctored exams are available for online students. Midterms and Finals for eCore or eMajor students are available by appointment.


TRiO Student Support Services (SSS)

Davida Curtis, Director
Peabody Hall Room 230


TRiO SSS is a federally funded program that provides opportunities for academic development, while motivating students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of SSS is to increase college retention and graduation rates of its participants and facilitate the transition from one level of higher education to the next.

Tutorial Services and Supplemental Instruction

Heidi Gregg, Coordinator
Peabody Hall Room 118


Tutorial Services and Supplemental Instruction seeks to provide high quality free academic support to meet the needs of students outside the classroom. This endeavor is accomplished through different tutorial methods designed to provide one-on-one assistance, supplemental instruction, and group tutorial support for undergraduate students. All services provided are supervised in an academic assistance lab between 9am and 5pm.

Reading & Writing Lab

Shameka Powers, Coordinator
Miller Hall Room 203


The Reading Lab offers one-on-one reading tutorials and workshops focusing on specific literacy skills and reading comprehension, providing excellent resources for both students and faculty, in an effort to improve students’ reading comprehension. Among these services are individualized and group test preparation, and an opportunity to develop individualized tutorial schedules with English faculty are available for students.

The Writing lab provides an atmosphere for students to receive individual consultation with writing intensive courses and assignments. The learning process in the writing lab is inclusive of one-on-one and small group collaborative sessions.

Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership (online eMajor Collaborative Partner)

Professor Juone Brown

Academic Program Lead

Founders Hall 107



The Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership degree (ORGL) at FVSU offers students the choice of concentrating in Public Service, Health Care Administration, or Office Administration and Technology. Regardless of concentration, the program’s core focus on communication, ethics, organizational development, project management, and leadership will enable graduates to leverage the degree to work or advancement in a broad range of careers in the public, community, non-profit, and private sectors.

Military Resource Center

Ralph Stith, Coordinator
Troup Administration Building Room 107
478-822-1020 Fax 478 825-6155

The Military Resource Center (MRC) functions to assist and provide support for active military, veterans, National Guard, Reserves and dependents. The Veteran Affairs Certifying Official is responsible for Certifying Enrollment of VA students to the VA Education Department, overseeing the MRC and the Student Veteran Lounge. For assistance, contact the Veterans Affairs Certifying Official at va@fvsu.edu.

Information Technology

Charlie Weaver, Chief Information Officer (CIO)
118 CTM Building

The Department of Information Technology provides technological support and leadership by assisting the University in realizing its academic mission and research goals. This support includes, but is not limited to, assisting with distance education, administrative applications, wired and wireless network maintenance and access, e-mail, hardware installation and maintenance, software installation and maintenance, training, website management and exploring and implementing new technologies.

In support of academic programs and to facilitate student access to computing technologies and facilities, more than 30 computing centers are located throughout the campus. Computing centers can be found in the following buildings and departments: Gano, Health Services Center, Horace Mann Bond, Computer Technology and Mathematics, Hubbard Education, Hunt Memorial Library, Agricultural Engineering, Miller Science, Chemistry, Founders Hall, Alva Tabor, Myers Hall, Veterinary Technology, Stallworth, Bywaters, Georgia Goat Research and Extension Center and the Warner Robins site.

Online Learning

La’Quata Sumter, Director
243 Bond Building

The Online Learning unit encompasses online learning and design, including training in these areas, as well as assistance for students who are taking classes via the learning management system. The Director also serves as an administrator for the LMS and for Blackboard Collaborate, a suite of virtual communication tools.

The mission of FVSU Online Learning is to provide a robust virtual campus to enhance the delivery of quality services to all students in the online environment. FVSU Online Learning is in a strategic place to enhance its performance and support of the University’s strategic plan as well as the Georgia Higher Education Completion Plan by implementing its goals and objectives.

Online (Web-based) Offerings

Through the offering of online or web-based courses of study, Fort Valley State University provides quality educational programs of study to students independent of their geographic locations. Students who are situation bound, that is, students who are unable to attend college because of family, work, and other responsibilities are able to pursue a college degree via the Internet. Online courses are facilitated using Brightspace by D2L (see online.fvsu.edu for additional information). FVSU’s online courses are designed for the highly motivated and independent student who is willing to devote as much time and effort to web-based learning as to traditional classroom offerings. The student should be comfortable using technology and have time management and organizational skills. Fort Valley State University’s online courses are listed with the Southern Regional Electronic Campus and the Georgia Learning Alliance.

Five programs are available online.

The four undergraduate programs offered fully online:

• B.A. - Criminal Justice

• B.A. - Organizational Leadership (collaborative)

• B.A. - Political Science

• B.A. - Psychology

The graduate program offered fully online:

• M.S. - Rehabilitation Counseling and Case Management

For additional information on Online Learning email us at online@fvsu.edu


eCore, the University System of Georgia’s (USG) electronic core curriculum, is a convenient and adaptable option for students to take coursework. The core curriculum consists of undergraduate, general education courses primarily required during a student’s first two years of post-secondary study. Composed of basic courses in the humanities, physical and social sciences, mathematics, and languages, eCore is fundamental for any four-year degree. These courses are equivalent and accepted by all USG institutions to satisfy core requirements or prerequisites required for a particular major in a specific program.

Students take core courses in a fully online format that combines rigor with convenient access on the Desire2Learn platform to include rich interaction with the instructor and fellow students. All eCore courses follow a consistent design to ensure ease of use and reliability. eCore courses are designed, developed, taught and supported by faculty and staff from the USG.

The eCore courses are taught entirely online, except for the occasional proctored exam and are a great supplement to face-to-face coursework to keep students on track for a timely graduation. Student support services, including enrollment advisement, bookstore, library services, tutoring, test proctoring and disability services are coordinated through the eCore Administration and Fort Valley State University.

eCore is a collaborative with multiple institutions and follows a separate calendar that may or may not coincide with Fort Valley State University. Also, before enrolling in an eCore course, students are asked to review the fees associated with taking a course online. Students enrolling in only online courses are exempt from mandatory student fees, with the exception of the technology and institution fees.

For additional information regarding eCore visit https://ecore.usg.edu


eMajor is a partnership with University System of Georgia public institutions to provide quality, affordable, high-demand post-secondary degrees and credentials that address the workplace needs of Georgia and beyond. eMajor programs are ideal not only for traditional students who wish to take advantage of online course delivery, but also for working professionals, military members, transfer students and others seeking alternative routes to degree completion.

Fort Valley State University offers an online Bachelor degree with three concentrations under the eMajor collaboration. The degrees are ideal for working professionals, military members, transfer students and traditional students.

Students receive superior student support in their eMajor program. Fort Valley State University offers a single point of contact for advising, registration, and other academic needs for students enrolled in the eMajor programs, as well as student services and technology assistance provided through the collaboration.

For additional information regarding eMajor visit https://emajor.usg.edu

Career Services

Dr. Romelda Simmons, Director
101 Peabody Building
478-825-6350 simmonsr@fvsu.edu


The mission of Career Services is to provide a variety of career services that are designed to:

  • assist students in analyzing interests, aptitudes, personal traits, desired lifestyles, educational and career goals (career counseling),
  • provide students sufficient career and employment information so that they may understand the implications of their choice of program/major (career planning), and
  • assist students and alumni in obtaining employment commensurate with their academic preparation, interests, capabilities, career and life goals (employment).

The following services are available:

  • Career Services (Counseling)
  • Campus and Mock Interviews
  • Position Vacancy Listings
  • Job/Career Fairs
  • Full-time/Part-time Summer Employment
  • Cooperative Education/Internship Programs
  • Employment opportunities
  • Career Resource Lab
  • Career Readiness Link-Symplicity
  • Job Search Strategies Workshops/Seminars
  • Professional Development Training Workshops
  • Career Recruitment Programs (Graduate/Professional, Teacher Recruitment Expos, Career/Graduate Expos and Youth Motivation Task Force) 
  • Outreach Programs/Services

The Office of Career Services is available to students, prospective students, alumni, faculty and staff of Fort Valley State University. In the Career Resource Library, computers are available to assist students and alumni with resume and cover letter development, research companies and seek internships, employment and graduate school opportunities.  The Office of Career Services utilizes the Georgia Career Information System (GCIS) and the Career Readiness Link (Symplicity).

All services offered by the Office of Career Services are in accordance with the Professional Standards of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), and the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education Career Services (CAS).

The Office of Student Counseling and Outreach Services 

Jacqueline Caskey-James, Director
Florence J. Hunt Building

The Office of Student Counseling and Outreach Services (OSCOS) is located in the Hunt Wellness Center. The building is adjacent to the C.V. Troup and C.W. Pettigrew Buildings. The OSCOS is staffed by the Director of Counseling, the Director of Outreach, a Licensed Professional Counselor and an Outreach Coordinator. The OSCOS is open Monday- Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Operational hours may be modified during the summer months. The OSCOS provides holistic wellness services to all current students (full or part-time) enrolled at Fort Valley State University. These services are provided based on the student health fee charged each semester. Students incur no out-of-pocket expense to receive counseling and outreach services from the staff members of the OSCOS *.   

The OSCOS provides professional services guided by local, state, federal and international policies and procedures to address mental health counseling, outreach services, and social determinants of health. 

Mental Health Counseling Services:

Crisis Intervention Counseling and Referrals, Individual Counseling, Group Counseling (addictive disorders i.e. substance use, gambling, nymphomania, etc.) and Anger Management, Counseling Resource Center and Consultation Services

Outreach Services Overview (focuses on four areas of prevention):

  • Substance Abuse-Alcohol Literacy Challenge (ALC), Prime for Life, E-Checkup to Go and Training Intervention Protocol (TIPS) 
  • HIV/AIDS- Video Opportunities for Innovation Condom Education & Safer Sex (VOICES/VOCAES)
  • Sexual Violence Prevention- One in Four & Beyond.
  • Suicide Prevention- Sources of Strength and Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)

Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) are the core curriculum utilized in all prevention activities. 

Both on and off campus activities are guided by trained staff/faculty, peer-educators and community based partners (CBOs).

Funding Sources:  Department of Health & Human Services (SAMHSA), Department of Public Health and Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

The Events Management Office at the C.W. Pettigrew Farm and Community Life Center

Donald J. Moore, Event Management Director
Pettigrew Conference and Community Center
478-825-6478 Fax 478-825-6599 Email: moored01@fvsu.edu

The Events Management Office is responsible for administrating and overseeing the day to day operation of event activities for Fort Valley State University (FVSU) campus events.  The office ensures that weekend/evening are properly supervised and provide exceptional service while ensuring the safety and comfort of our customer events. The office coordinates all facilities rentals and event planning on campus. The one stop shop for the events office will plan, organize, and supervise the work of event staff workers, catering, decoration and setup for events.

The C.W. Pettigrew Center Events Management Office is a full-service conference, convention, and fine arts facility where unforgettable occasions are created. As an outreach program of Fort Valley State University, the Pettigrew Center serves the conference and convention needs of the middle Georgia areas, and beyond as well as: the university campus.  The 600-seat performing arts theater can enhance any organization’s large meeting needs. Built-in Writing surfaces supplement the comfortable theater seating to provide a highly satisfactory setting for large classes, wedding receptions, seminars, theater plays, and musical concerts. The facility lends itself to audio-visual presentations of all types and large banquet meeting rooms.

The high-tech sound system, acoustics, and computerized lighting equipment make the auditorium theater one of the finest in the area for events.  The spacious, open lobby area offers a pleasing setting for any function. The center’s professional staff is available to help with the planning, scheduling and implementation, of programming for your event on our beautiful campus.

The Warner Robins Center

Ashley Ballard, Director
The Warner Robins Center

The Fort Valley State University Warner Robins Center, located at 101 Osigian Blvd. in Warner Robins, is the home of several graduate programs, Continuing Education, and undergraduate classes that are offered mostly nights and weekends. The classes as well as the Library Center are available for the convenience of all, but especially adult students.

Campus Police and Safety

Chief Anita Allen Director of Campus Public Safety
Bywaters Building – Ground Floor

The Fort Valley State University Campus & Safety Police Department is a University System Police Department with State Certified Police Officers. We are committed to safeguarding the lives and property as well as improving campus safety in a manner that is fair, impartial, transparent and consistent.   

We are dedicated to serve with understanding, professional high standards and integrity as we perform our daily duties. We will provide professional customer service and priority in community policing to faculty, staff and student. 

This is accomplished this through education and training, monitoring video surveillance, fire drills, emergency preparedness planning, safety seminars, and  vehicle/foot patrol 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the entire year.

The Department is responsible for enforcing the University’s policies on parking, alcohol/drugs, and sexual misconduct, in addition to enforcing local, state and federal criminal statutes.

The Department is operated and staffed with a Chief, Director of Emergency Management, a Captain, Peace Officers, Security Officers, a Criminal Investigator, Communications Officers and an Office Manager.

University Bookstore

Lyons Student Center

The University Bookstore is located in the Lyons Student Center. Available items include course materials comprised of new, used, rental and digital textbooks, digital devices, and supplemental study materials. In addition to school paraphernalia, school supplies, gifts, and snacks. Acceptable forms of payment are cash, checks, and debit and credit cards.

The hours of operation are:
Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday Closed; except for special occasions.

For additional details visit the bookstore online at http://www.bkstr.com/fortvalleystatestore/home