The Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies is granted upon completion of 124 semester credit hours in one of the approved programs of study for the Media Studies degree. The program is interdisciplinary in nature as it advances a media-driven convergence model within the context of collaborative, student-centered learning outcomes in interrelated disciplines, including the Visual and Performing Arts. Moreover, the program gives Media Studies majors an opportunity to select from three viable areas of concentration: broadcasting, digital journalism, and public relations. Media Studies majors take courses that require them to develop skills in media-making, critical analysis and reflection, entrepreneurialism, media production, and research related to traditional and emerging forms of media, that now include digital and electronic media.
Admissions to the Media Studies Major
Students admitted to the major program in Media Studies must meet the following criteria: Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better, with no grade below “C” in any major courses. Transfer students who matriculate in the program must earn 30 credit hours at the 3000 and/or 4000 level, with at least 20 credit hours in Media Studies, from Fort Valley State University. It is strongly recommended that students who are interested in completing the degree in Media Studies follow one of the prescribed program maps.
Program of Study for the B.A. Degree
Total Number of Hours: 124
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