This program also is available fully online. The requirements are the same as they are for the traditional program. Internships and practica are supervised via virtual technologies for students who are unable to interact with campus evaluators face-to-face. This program also allows individualized attention and help to those who wish to become more technologically adept. In each course an on-line community is formed that allows peer-to-peer interaction as well as that with the instructor.
The Psychology program provides quality instruction in the discipline of psychology to prepare students to pursue careers in psychology and psychology- related fields, and to provide psychological services, when appropriate, to the University and community.
Assessment of the Psychology Major
In addition to other specified requirements for graduation, students must participate in all assessment activities for the major program which include, but may not be limited to: 1) course embedded assessments, 2) external or standardized tests, 3) the Sophomore/Junior Diagnostic Project, 4) the Senior Integrated Assessment, and 5) a grade of at least a “C” in all required and elective major courses.
(For Both On-line & Traditional Programs)
Total Number of Degree Hours: 123
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